Podcast App Studio

Podcast App Studio

Podcast App Studio is a white label podcast app using Wordpress API, meaning you can get your own mobile podcast app in no time. The project is using Flutter framework, available for Android, iOS & macOS.


Podcast App Studio apps

Podcast App Studio


With more than 170 millions of vues, Thinkerview is one of the most famous french Youtube channel. The app has two dedicated features, one is the list of books mentionned by the guests and the other one is fact checking, with data is fetch from to Captain Fact api and allow users to quickly verify if something in the interview is a fake news or not.


Download: Android - iOS & macOS

Cause Commune

La voix des possibles, is an associative radio based in Paris that you can listen live on 93.1 FM.


Download: Android - iOS & macOS


Spectre is a platform of podcasts for those who aspire to understand the world we live in and to transform it.


Download: Android - iOS & macOS

Parlons Aviation

Parlons Aviation is a podcast about aviation.


Download: Android - iOS & macOS